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Postcard from Costa Rica

It is always exciting to open my Globe Treks email inbox and get an update from one of our ongoing tours. This week, I am getting updates from Costa Rica! Our group left on March 10th and will return on March 17th. Tour manager, Allison Baker sent me this message along with some great photos. Emily Edwards is also on the tour and sent along some fantastic photos of her own. Looks like everyone is having a grand adventure in Central America. Here is Allison's message:

We had an easy flight and landed in San Jose in the early afternoon After clearing customs we boarded our Toyota mini coach and drove to our garden hotel in Heredia, Costa Rica. The Hotel Bougainvillea is lively with extensive tropical gardens and lovely sculptures. After an early dinner we headed for bed. It was great to relax after our busy travel day.

This morning we enjoyed a lovely breakfast buffet and boarded another nice coach to drive to the river landing. We stopped at a local Soda Tica for a coffee and delicious fresh empanadas. We continued on to the boat launch and we' were thrilled to see a large crocodile, many birds and emerald basilisk lizards but the amazing site of the the morning was watching a baby ant eater crawl out of the river and up the steep bank! We arrived at Tortuga Lodge in time for a wonderful sea bass lunch and had a restful afternoon swimming and exploring the gardens and nearby rain forest trails. A huge toucan and several large iguanas are residents here. Drinks and snacks followed by another great Costa Rican meal of fresh vegetables fruits and seafood and other entree choices and we are all about to head for bed. The howler monkeys are set for about 5:00 am so we will be following the early to bed early to rise rule down here.

Hasta manana! Allison

Friday, March 17, 2017 - Our Costa Rican travelers are wrapping up their adventure. Here is the latest message from Allison Baker:

We have had an outstanding time in Costa Rica enjoying the gorgeous scenery and birds and animals of three separate and unique ecosystems--rain forest in Tortuguero, cloud forest in Arenal and dry forest and Pacific beach environment in Tamarindo. The people, food, and lively hotels have been wonderful as well! Come to Costa Rica with us next year and experience the pure life --Pura Vida!-- for yourself. It is scenic, serene and so much fun!

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