Captured Memories
In today's fast-paced digital world, some people believe that taking lots of photos on vacation takes away from what they are experiencing when they travel. But for many, the opposite is true. Taking photographs can make you more aware of your surroundings and sometimes forces you to see more of the world than if you are just walking through it. After our recent tour to Sea Island, Georgia, I asked one of our guests to tell me a little bit about why he enjoys taking photos on tours. Ed W. agreed to let me share some of his work and explained why he chooses to use a "boat anchor" to get the best shots.
I suppose some of my fellow travelers wonder why I lug around seven pounds of camera gear on Globe Treks trips. Certainly modern cell phones yield excellent pictures with a fraction of the weight. Perhaps part of it is habit. I began to explore photography over sixty years ago. My first "real" camera was an Argus C-3 (some of which are still available on ebay). Over the intervening years, I have read widely and (hopefully) learned from my mistakes.
Habit aside, I stay with my "boat anchor" of a camera because it gives me more flexibility and control. For example I used a fast shutter speed and a telephoto lens to capture the pelican coming in for a landing.

Some may think of the pelican as less than beautiful, but notice the shimmer of the sun on its wings and the feeling of control as it approaches the water for a two point landing.
I have found that as I search for images, I become more sensitive to the play of light against shadow. Since I have control of both shutter speed and aperture, I can sometimes capture pictures such as these:

And then sometimes you're just lucky and catch three turtles sunning themselves.

And often I find beauty that needs neither enhancement nor words.

Or some bright scene that may end up in one of my wife's quilts.

Thank you, Ed W., for sharing your beautiful photos. It's important for all of us to constantly look for new ways to look at things. Travel photography can enhance your experience when you visit new places and take you back to those places and moments in time.